What is Surrogacy and who need surrogates?

Surrogacy in Kenya is a process where a surrogate is a woman who agrees to carry the baby for another woman in her womb for 9 months because the intended mother is unable to carry the pregnancy due to some medical illness or her fertility expert recommends going for the surrogacy procedure as carrying a pregnancy can lead to death for her or for newborn. Surrogates can do this by using her own eggs which can be fertilized by the sperm of intended father or eggs of an intended mother can be used and embryo developed will be implanted in the womb of the surrogate.

Procedure for Surrogacy in Kenya

Surrogacy in Kenya is of two types (i) Traditional surrogacy, and (ii) Gestational surrogacy
• Traditional Surrogacy: In this procedure, the surrogate mother is biologically related to the newborn as her eggs are being artificially inseminated with the intended father sperm or by the sperm donor and then surrogate mother carries a baby for intended parents in her womb for 9 months until the baby birth.
• Gestational Surrogacy: In this procedure, the eggs of intended mother or egg donor and the sperm of intended father or sperm donor are used for fertilization and then the developing embryo will be implanted in the womb of the surrogate mother. This is the safe procedure and the gestational surrogate is not biologically related to the newborn as her eggs are not used for the IVF cycle.

Legal Process

Surrogacy in Kenya is a legal and documented procedure right from the day one after the selection of surrogates. The agreement need to signed by both the parties before they begin the surrogacy procedure and it states that after the birth of baby the surrogate will hand over the baby to intended parents and the Court orders to the Department of Vital Statistics to issue the new birth certificate of baby in the name of his/her intended parents as a legal parents.

Selection of Surrogates

Before the surrogates are enrolled themselves in the surrogacy procedure the agencies which hire them properly look around the family background, husband’s consent, person’s physical, mental and social health condition etc. and also these surrogate mothers are medically screened for the infectious diseases such AIDS and Hepatitis so that it will not pass to newborn. The surrogates between the age of 23 to 40 years, preferably a married woman with kids are hired by the agencies as we all know that surrogacy is not an easy procedure it required a lot of emotional and mental support. Married surrogates with kids are the women who can bear the stress of the surrogacy procedure and this is the reason why we preferred married surrogates with parents.

How many embryos are transferred for a single attempt?

The number of embryos transferred depends on the age and the number of eggs retrieved. If the intended mother is using her own eggs and her age is more than 35 years then the implantation rate may go down as compared with the women who are using the eggs of the egg donor or the surrogate mother who are young, healthy and fertile. In some countries, the embryo transfer restricted to one or two embryos only as it can cause the defect of multiple pregnancies.

Cost of Surrogacy in Kenya

The cost of Surrogacy in Kenya is one-fifth of the other well-developed countries and this is the major reason that why every year number of patients prefer to travel down to Kenya for their surrogacy procedure to fulfill their dream of having an own baby